How Pratap Hospital Successfully Achieved NABH Accreditation

What is NABH? Everthing About NABH

1. What is NABH

What is NABH, NABH stands for the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers. It is an autonomous body established by the Quality Council of India (QCI), a government organization, to establish and operate accreditation programs for healthcare organizations in India: What is NABH.

The primary goal of NABH accreditation is to set standards and assess the quality and safety of healthcare services provided by hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities. What is NABH, NABH accreditation evaluates various aspects of healthcare delivery, including patient care, clinical processes, infrastructure, infection control, and patient safety practices. What is NABH :

Accreditation by NABH signifies that a healthcare organization meets internationally recognized standards of quality and safety in healthcare delivery. It helps healthcare providers enhance patient trust, improve organizational efficiency, and drive continuous quality improvement initiatives.

NABH accreditation is voluntary but highly sought after by healthcare organizations in India, as it demonstrates their commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services and adherence to best practices in patient care and safety.

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2. Types of NABH Accreditation in India

In India, the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) offers several types of accreditation programs to cater to different types of healthcare organizations and their specific needs.

Here are two types of NABH accreditation:

1. Entry level NABH or NABH Certification

There are multiple types of NABH certification or Entry level NABH certification: –

2. Full NABH Accreditation or NABH Accreditation

What is NABH? Everthing About NABH

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