How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Starting a super specialty hospital in India is a monumental task that requires careful planning, substantial investment, and adherence to numerous regulations. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps to establish a successful super specialty hospital in India.

Understanding the Concept of a Super Specialty Hospital of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

A super specialty hospital represents the pinnacle of advanced medical care, offering highly specialized services in specific fields of medicine. Unlike general hospitals, which provide a broad range of healthcare services, super specialty hospitals focus on delivering in-depth expertise and state-of-the-art treatments in particular areas of medical science. This article delves into the key features and benefits of super specialty hospitals, elucidating why they are integral to modern healthcare systems.

Key Features of a Super Specialty Hospital

1. Specialized Medical Services of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Super specialty hospitals are renowned for their focused approach to healthcare, concentrating on specific medical fields such as:

  • Cardiology: Heart and cardiovascular system
  • Neurology: Brain and nervous system
  • Orthopedics: Bones, joints, and muscles
  • Oncology: Cancer treatment
  • Nephrology: Kidney care
  • Gastroenterology: Digestive system

Each specialty is staffed by experts who possess deep knowledge and extensive experience in their respective fields, ensuring high-quality care for complex and critical conditions.

2. Advanced Medical Technology of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

These hospitals are equipped with cutting-edge medical technology, facilitating accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. This includes:

  • Diagnostic Equipment: MRI, CT scanners, and PET scans
  • Surgical Technology: Minimally invasive surgical tools, robotic surgery systems
  • Therapeutic Devices: Advanced radiation therapy machines, specialized dialysis equipment

The integration of advanced technology enhances the hospital’s ability to provide precise, effective, and less invasive treatments.

3. Highly Skilled Medical Professionals of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Super specialty hospitals employ top-tier medical professionals, including:

  • Specialist Doctors: Renowned experts in their fields
  • Surgeons: Skilled in performing complex surgeries
  • Nurses and Technicians: Trained in specialized care and handling advanced medical equipment

The presence of highly skilled staff ensures that patients receive the best possible care and outcomes.

4. Comprehensive Patient Care of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Patient care in super specialty hospitals extends beyond immediate medical treatment. These hospitals offer comprehensive care, which includes:

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Tailored to individual patient needs
  • Rehabilitation Services: Post-surgical recovery and physical therapy
  • Support Services: Nutritional counseling, psychological support, and patient education

This holistic approach addresses all aspects of a patient’s health, promoting overall well-being and faster recovery.

Benefits of Super Specialty Hospitals of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

1. High-Quality Care of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

The specialized focus, coupled with advanced technology and expert staff, ensures that patients receive the highest quality of care for specific medical conditions. This leads to better treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

2. Innovation and Research of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Super specialty hospitals often engage in medical research and innovation, contributing to the advancement of medical science. They participate in clinical trials, develop new treatment protocols, and adopt the latest medical advancements, ensuring that patients have access to cutting-edge treatments.

3. Efficient Healthcare Delivery of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

With their specialized focus, these hospitals streamline healthcare delivery, reducing wait times and improving patient throughput. This efficiency benefits both patients and healthcare providers by optimizing resource use and enhancing care delivery.

4. Enhanced Patient Experience of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

From the design of the hospital to the patient care protocols, super specialty hospitals prioritize patient comfort and convenience. This includes:

Modern Facilities: Well-equipped patient rooms and waiting areas

Patient-Centered Services: Easy appointment scheduling, patient portals for health information access

Continuous Support: Dedicated care teams that provide ongoing support and follow-up

This patient-centric approach significantly improves the overall patient experience.

Super specialty hospitals play a crucial role in the healthcare ecosystem, offering advanced, specialized care that general hospitals may not provide. Their focus on specific medical fields, use of cutting-edge technology, employment of expert professionals, and commitment to comprehensive patient care make them indispensable for treating complex health conditions. As healthcare continues to evolve, the importance of super specialty hospitals in delivering high-quality, efficient, and patient-centered care will only grow.

How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Super Specialty Hospital of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

1. Conduct Market Research of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Conducting market research is a crucial step in starting a super specialty hospital in India. It involves gathering and analyzing information about the healthcare market, potential patients, competitors, and other factors that can influence your hospital’s success.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to conducting market research:

1. Define Your Objectives

Clearly outline the goals of your market research. This might include understanding the demand for specific specialties, identifying target demographics, evaluating competitors, and assessing financial feasibility.

2. Identify Your Target Market

Determine who your potential patients are. Consider factors such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Geographic location
  • Health conditions prevalent in the area

3. Analyze the Healthcare Market

Investigate the current state of the healthcare industry in your chosen location. Key areas to focus on include:

The demand for super specialty services

Existing healthcare facilities and their specialties

Market size and growth trends

Health insurance penetration

4. Competitor Analysis

Study existing super specialty hospitals in your area. Evaluate:

Services offered

Pricing strategies

Patient satisfaction and reviews

Strengths and weaknesses

Market share

5. Regulatory Environment

Understand the regulatory requirements for starting and operating a super specialty hospital in India. This includes:

Licensing and accreditation

Compliance with healthcare standards

Zoning laws

Environmental regulations

6. Conduct Surveys and Focus Groups

Engage with potential patients and healthcare professionals through:

Surveys: Gather quantitative data on healthcare needs, preferences, and willingness to pay.

Focus Groups: Collect qualitative insights into patient expectations and experiences.

7. Gather Secondary Data

Utilize existing data sources to complement your primary research:

Government health statistics

Industry reports

Academic studies

Data from healthcare associations

8. Evaluate Technology and Infrastructure Needs

Assess the technological and infrastructural requirements for a super specialty hospital:

Medical equipment

IT systems for patient management

Facilities and space requirements

9. Financial Analysis

Estimate the financial viability of your hospital by:

Projecting startup costs

Analyzing funding options

Forecasting revenue and expenses

Evaluating potential return on investment (ROI)

10. SWOT Analysis

Perform a SWOT analysis to identify:

  • Strengths: Internal factors that will contribute to your hospital’s success.
  • Weaknesses: Internal factors that could hinder your hospital’s performance.
  • Opportunities: External factors that you can leverage for growth.
  • Threats: External factors that could pose challenges.

11. Compile and Analyze Data

Consolidate your findings into a comprehensive report. Use this data to make informed decisions about:

Hospital location

Services to offer

Pricing strategies

Marketing plans

  1. Develop a Business Plan

Integrate your market research into a detailed business plan that includes:

Executive summary

Market analysis

Organizational structure

Services and specialties

Marketing and sales strategy

Financial projections

How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Market research is a critical step in ensuring the success of your super specialty hospital in India. By thoroughly understanding the market dynamics, patient needs, and competitive landscape, you can make informed decisions that will lay a strong foundation for your hospital’s growth and success.

  1. Develop a Detailed Business Plan of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Our vision is to establish a state-of-the-art super specialty hospital in India, dedicated to providing exceptional healthcare services in specialized medical fields. With a focus on advanced technology, expert medical professionals, and patient-centric care, we aim to become a trusted healthcare destination known for excellence in treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Business Overview

Name: Advanced Care Super Specialty Hospital

Location: [City/Area], India

Founders: [Your Name/Team]

Mission Statement

To deliver world-class healthcare services through innovation, expertise, and compassion, ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of our patients.

Market Analysis

Target Market:

Urban and semi-urban populations in [City/Area] and surrounding regions.

Patients seeking specialized treatment in fields such as cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, oncology, and gastroenterology.

Market Trends:

Increasing demand for specialized healthcare services due to rising chronic diseases and lifestyle-related ailments.

Growing awareness and acceptance of advanced medical treatments among Indian consumers.

Shift towards private healthcare facilities for superior care and personalized services.

Competitive Landscape:

Established super specialty hospitals in the region, providing competition in terms of expertise, reputation, and patient trust.

General hospitals offering limited specialty services, but lacking the depth and focus of a dedicated super specialty hospital.

Services Offered

Advanced Care Super Specialty Hospital will offer specialized medical services in the following areas:

  1. Cardiology: Comprehensive cardiac care, including diagnostic procedures, interventional cardiology, and cardiac surgeries.
  2. Neurology: Treatment of neurological disorders, stroke care, neurosurgery, and rehabilitation services.
  3. Orthopedics: Management of musculoskeletal conditions, joint replacements, spine surgeries, and sports medicine.
  4. Oncology: Cancer diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical oncology, and palliative care.
  5. Gastroenterology: Gastrointestinal diagnostics, endoscopic procedures, liver transplant, and digestive disorder management.

Business Model

Revenue Streams:

  1. Medical Services: Revenue generated from patient consultations, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and other medical procedures.
  2. Health Insurance: Payment received from health insurance companies for covered services.
  3. Pharmacy: In-house pharmacy offering prescription medications and medical supplies.
  4. Ancillary Services: Additional revenue from allied healthcare services such as physiotherapy, nutrition counseling, and home healthcare.

Cost Structure:

  1. Infrastructure: Construction, maintenance, and utilities for hospital facilities.
  2. Medical Equipment: Purchase, installation, and maintenance of advanced medical equipment.
  3. Human Resources: Salaries, benefits, and training for medical and administrative staff.
  4. Operational Expenses: Supplies, medications, insurance, and regulatory compliance costs.

Marketing Strategy

Brand Positioning:

Position Advanced Care Super Specialty Hospital as a premier healthcare institution synonymous with expertise, innovation, and compassionate care.

Marketing Channels:

  1. Digital Marketing: SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, and online advertising to reach and engage with target audiences.
  2. Physician Referral Network: Collaborate with local doctors and specialists for patient referrals and professional networking.
  3. Community Outreach: Organize health camps, seminars, and awareness programs to educate and connect with the community.
  4. Partnerships: Forge strategic partnerships with corporate entities, insurance providers, and healthcare organizations to expand our reach and enhance our services.

Operational Plan

Facility Setup:

Construction and furnishing of a modern, patient-friendly hospital facility with specialized departments, advanced medical equipment, and amenities for patient comfort.


Recruitment of highly skilled medical professionals, including specialist doctors, surgeons, nurses, technicians, and support staff.

Ongoing training and development programs to ensure continuous learning and skill enhancement.

Patient Care:

Implementation of patient-centered care protocols, personalized treatment plans, and efficient clinical workflows to optimize patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Healthcare IT:

Integration of robust healthcare IT systems for electronic health records (EHR), hospital management, telemedicine, and patient engagement.

Financial Projections

Startup Costs:

Infrastructure: [Amount]

Medical Equipment: [Amount]

Staff Recruitment and Training: [Amount]

Operational Expenses: [Amount]

Contingency: [Amount]

Revenue Forecast:

Projected Revenue from Medical Services: [Amount]

Ancillary Services Revenue: [Amount]

Pharmacy Sales: [Amount]

Total Projected Revenue: [Amount]

Financial Viability:

Break-even Analysis: [Timeframe]

Profitability Projection: [Percentage]

Return on Investment (ROI): [Percentage]

The establishment of Advanced Care Super Specialty Hospital represents a significant opportunity to meet the growing demand for specialized healthcare services in India. By focusing on excellence in medical care, patient satisfaction, and operational efficiency, we are poised to become a leading healthcare provider in the region. With a robust business plan, dedicated team, and unwavering commitment to our mission, we are confident in our ability to deliver exceptional healthcare outcomes and make a positive impact on the lives of our patients.

  1. Secure Funding

Securing funding to start a super specialty hospital in India is a critical step in turning your vision into reality. Given the substantial capital required for infrastructure, equipment, staffing, and operational expenses, exploring various funding sources is essential. Here are several avenues to consider:

  1. Traditional Bank Loans:

Approach banks and financial institutions that offer business loans tailored for healthcare projects. Prepare a detailed business plan, including financial projections, to demonstrate the viability of your hospital project. Collateral may be required, and interest rates will vary based on factors such as creditworthiness and loan terms.

  1. Government Schemes and Grants:

Explore government schemes and grants aimed at promoting healthcare infrastructure development. In India, various government initiatives and programs support healthcare projects, especially those focused on improving access to specialized medical services. Research eligibility criteria and application processes for relevant schemes at both the central and state levels.

  1. Private Equity and Venture Capital:

Seek investment from private equity firms, venture capital funds, or healthcare-focused investors interested in funding healthcare projects. Prepare a compelling pitch highlighting the potential returns on investment, market opportunity, and competitive advantage of your super specialty hospital. Be prepared to negotiate equity stakes and terms of investment.

  1. Healthcare Financing Companies:

Consider healthcare financing companies that specialize in providing funding for healthcare projects. These entities may offer customized financing solutions tailored to the unique needs of super specialty hospitals, including equipment financing, working capital loans, and project finance options.

  1. Angel Investors and High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs): How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Tap into networks of angel investors, wealthy individuals, or philanthropic organizations interested in healthcare and social impact investments. Present your hospital project as an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in healthcare delivery while generating financial returns. Emphasize the social and community benefits of your super specialty hospital.

  1. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs):

Explore opportunities for public-private partnerships with government agencies or healthcare authorities. PPPs can provide access to funding, infrastructure support, and regulatory assistance while leveraging the expertise and resources of both public and private sectors. Engage in discussions with relevant authorities to identify potential partnership opportunities.

  1. Crowd funding and Peer-to-Peer Lending: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Consider crowd funding platforms or peer-to-peer lending networks as alternative sources of funding. Launch a crowd funding campaign to raise capital from a large pool of individual investors who share an interest in healthcare innovation and social impact. Leverage social media and online networks to amplify your fundraising efforts and attract donors.

  1. Strategic Partnerships and Joint Ventures:

Explore strategic partnerships or joint ventures with established healthcare organizations, hospital chains, or multinational corporations with expertise in healthcare delivery. Collaborating with industry leaders can provide access to funding, technology, operational support, and market insights, accelerating the development and success of your super specialty hospital.

Securing funding for a super specialty hospital in India requires a strategic and multi-pronged approach, leveraging diverse funding sources and partnerships. Prepare a compelling business case, demonstrate the potential for financial returns and social impact, and engage with investors, lenders, and stakeholders to secure the necessary capital. By exploring these funding avenues and building strong relationships with investors, you can overcome financial barriers and realize your vision of establishing a successful super specialty hospital in India.

  1. Choose a Strategic Location of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Choosing a strategic location for your super specialty hospital in India is crucial for its success. Here are several factors to consider when selecting the optimal location:

  1. Population Density and Demographics: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Urban Centers: Target cities or urban areas with high population density and significant healthcare demand. These areas offer a large patient pool and potential referrals from surrounding regions.

Affluent Neighborhoods: Consider locations with a sizable population of affluent residents who can afford specialized healthcare services and are willing to pay for quality treatment.

  1. Accessibility and Transportation: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Proximity to Major Roads and Highways: Choose a location with easy access to major roads and highways to facilitate patient transportation and logistics.

Public Transportation Connectivity: Ensure accessibility via public transportation networks such as metro, buses, and railways to accommodate patients from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.

  1. Healthcare Infrastructure:

Medical Hub: Consider locating your hospital in or near a medical hub or healthcare cluster with existing hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities. This can foster collaboration, referral networks, and access to specialized medical professionals.

Availability of Support Services: Assess the availability of ancillary healthcare services such as diagnostic centers, pharmacies, rehabilitation centers, and blood banks to complement your hospital’s offerings.

  1. Regulatory and Zoning Considerations: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Compliance with Regulations: Ensure compliance with local, state, and national regulations governing healthcare facilities, zoning laws, building codes, and licensing requirements. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Environmental Clearance: Obtain environmental clearances for waste management, pollution control, and other regulatory approvals necessary for hospital operations.

  1. Market Demand and Competition:

Gap Analysis: Conduct market research to identify underserved specialties or healthcare needs in the chosen location. Target areas where demand exceeds existing supply for super specialty services.

Competitive Landscape: Evaluate existing hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers in the area to assess competition, market positioning, and opportunities for differentiation.

  1. Socioeconomic Factors: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Income Levels: Consider the socioeconomic profile of the population in the target location, including income levels, insurance coverage, and willingness to pay for specialized healthcare services.

Healthcare Access Disparities: Address healthcare access disparities by locating the hospital in areas with underserved populations or limited access to quality healthcare.

  1. Real Estate and Infrastructure:

Availability of Land or Property: Identify suitable land or existing properties for hospital construction or redevelopment. Consider factors such as size, layout, zoning, and infrastructure requirements. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Utilities and Amenities: Ensure access to essential utilities such as water, electricity, sanitation, and emergency services. Assess the availability of amenities such as parking, security, and green spaces.

  1. Future Growth and Expansion: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Population Growth Trends: Analyze population growth projections and urban development plans to anticipate future healthcare needs and demand for specialized services.

Scalability: Choose a location that allows for future expansion, either vertically or horizontally, to accommodate growth in patient volume, services, and medical technology.

Selecting the right location for your super specialty hospital in India requires careful consideration of population demographics, accessibility, healthcare infrastructure, regulatory compliance, market demand, socioeconomic factors, real estate availability, and future growth prospects. By evaluating these factors comprehensively and aligning with your hospital’s strategic objectives, you can identify a location that maximizes patient access, operational efficiency, and long-term success. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Code Blue NABH

  1. Design and Build the Facility of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Designing and building the facility for your super specialty hospital in India requires meticulous planning, adherence to regulatory standards, and attention to patient comfort and safety. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the design and construction process:

  1. Engage with Architects and Design Consultants:

Select Experienced Professionals: Hire architects and design consultants with expertise in healthcare facility design, preferably those familiar with super specialty hospitals.

Collaborative Design Process: Work closely with the design team to develop a concept that integrates functionality, aesthetics, and patient-centric features.

  1. Define Hospital Layout and Functional Zones: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Departmental Segregation: Plan the layout to accommodate specialized departments such as cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopedics, and gastroenterology.

Patient Flow Optimization: Design efficient pathways for patient movement, ensuring smooth transitions between registration, consultation, diagnostics, treatment, and recovery areas. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Staff Accessibility: Create designated areas for medical staff, administrative offices, nursing stations, and support services to enhance workflow efficiency.

  1. Ensure Compliance with Regulatory Standards:

Building Codes and Regulations: Adhere to local building codes, zoning regulations, fire safety standards, and environmental guidelines applicable to healthcare facilities.

Accreditation Requirements: Design the facility to meet accreditation standards set by regulatory bodies such as the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) in India.

  1. Incorporate Patient-Centric Features: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Comfortable Patient Rooms: Design spacious and well-equipped patient rooms with amenities for comfort, privacy, and family accommodation.

Healing Environment: Create a calming and healing environment with natural light, soothing colors, artwork, and green spaces to promote patient well-being and recovery.

Accessibility: Ensure accessibility for patients with disabilities through ramps, elevators, wheelchair-friendly corridors, and signage.

  1. Integrate Advanced Medical Technology:

Infrastructure Planning: Allocate space and provisions for advanced medical equipment, diagnostic facilities, operating theaters, intensive care units (ICUs), and specialty treatment areas. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Medical Gas and Electrical Systems: Design robust infrastructure for medical gas supply (oxygen, vacuum, compressed air) and electrical systems to support high-tech medical equipment.

  1. Implement Infection Control Measures:

Design for Infection Prevention: Incorporate features such as antimicrobial surfaces, hand hygiene stations, isolation rooms, and air filtration systems to minimize the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).

Sterilization Facilities: Allocate space for central sterile services department (CSSD) for the sterilization and processing of medical instruments and equipment.

  1. Ensure Sustainability and Energy Efficiency: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Green Building Practices: Adopt sustainable design principles, energy-efficient HVAC systems, water-saving fixtures, and renewable energy technologies to minimize environmental impact and operating costs. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Waste Management: Plan for effective waste segregation, recycling, and disposal systems to comply with environmental regulations and promote eco-friendly practices.

  1. Prioritize Safety and Security:

Security Measures: Install surveillance cameras, access control systems, alarm systems, and security personnel to ensure the safety and security of patients, staff, and visitors.

Emergency Preparedness: Designate emergency exits, evacuation routes, emergency response stations, and disaster management protocols to handle unforeseen events effectively.

  1. Project Management and Construction Oversight: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Project Coordination: Assign a dedicated project manager to oversee construction activities, coordinate with contractors, and ensure adherence to timelines and budget. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Quality Assurance: Implement quality control measures, inspections, and testing protocols to maintain construction standards and regulatory compliance.

  1. Post-Construction Commissioning and Testing:

Equipment Installation: Coordinate the installation, calibration, and testing of medical equipment and systems to ensure functionality and safety.

Mock Drills and Training: Conduct mock drills, staff training sessions, and orientation programs to familiarize personnel with the facility layout, equipment operation, and emergency procedures. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Designing and building a super specialty hospital in India requires careful consideration of architectural, regulatory, technological, and patient-centered factors. By engaging with experienced professionals, ensuring compliance with standards, prioritizing patient comfort and safety, and incorporating advanced medical technology, you can create a modern and efficient healthcare facility that meets the needs of patients and healthcare providers alike.

  1. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits to start a super specialty hospital in India is a critical step in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and legal standards. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the licenses and permits you’ll need to acquire:

  1. Hospital Registration:

Under the Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act: Register your hospital with the appropriate state health department or regulatory authority. This registration is mandatory for all clinical establishments, including hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centers. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. NABH Accreditation: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH): Aim for accreditation from NABH, which is a mark of quality and patient safety in healthcare. NABH accreditation involves a rigorous evaluation of clinical processes, infrastructure, and patient care standards.

  1. Building Plan Approval:

Local Municipal Corporation: Obtain approval for your hospital’s building plan from the local municipal corporation or urban development authority. Ensure compliance with building codes, zoning regulations, and environmental guidelines.

  1. Fire Safety Clearance: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Chief Fire Officer: Obtain fire safety clearance from the local fire department or Chief Fire Officer. Install fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire alarms, and emergency exits as per fire safety regulations.

  1. Medical Establishment License:

State Health Department: Apply for a medical establishment license from the state health department or respective state health regulatory authority. This license is necessary to operate a healthcare facility and provide medical services. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Clinical Establishment License: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

State Clinical Establishment Act: Comply with the Clinical Establishment Act of the respective state and obtain a clinical establishment license. This license regulates the establishment, maintenance, and operation of clinical establishments, including hospitals and specialty clinics.

  1. Environmental Clearance:

State Pollution Control Board: Obtain environmental clearance from the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) for waste management, pollution control, and environmental compliance.

  1. Biomedical Waste Management Authorization: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

State Pollution Control Board: Obtain authorization for biomedical waste management from the State Pollution Control Board. Implement proper segregation, collection, treatment, and disposal of biomedical waste as per biomedical waste management rules.

  1. Pharmacy License:

Drug Control Authority: Obtain a pharmacy license from the State Drug Control Authority or Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) to operate an in-house pharmacy. Ensure compliance with pharmacy regulations and licensing requirements.

  1. Radiation Safety License (if applicable): How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB): If your hospital offers services involving radiation, such as diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, or radiation therapy, obtain a radiation safety license from the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board.

  1. Other Permits and Clearances:

Food Safety License: If your hospital provides food services, obtain a food safety license from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

Occupancy Certificate: Obtain an occupancy certificate from the local municipal authority upon completion of construction, confirming compliance with building regulations and safety standards. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Navigating the regulatory landscape to obtain the necessary licenses and permits for starting a super specialty hospital in India requires careful planning, documentation, and compliance with legal requirements. Engage with legal advisors, regulatory experts, and healthcare consultants to ensure thorough understanding and adherence to regulatory standards. By obtaining the required licenses and permits, you can establish a legally compliant and professionally managed super specialty hospital that prioritizes patient safety, quality of care, and regulatory compliance.

Code Blue: Every Second Counts in Hospital Emergencies

  1. Hire Qualified Staff of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Hiring qualified staff is crucial for the success and smooth operation of a super specialty hospital in India. Here’s a structured approach to hiring the right talent:

  1. Identify Staffing Requirements:

Medical Professionals: Specialists, consultants, surgeons, and physicians in various specialties such as cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, oncology, and gastroenterology.

Nursing Staff: Registered nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners (NPs), and specialized nursing staff with experience in critical care, surgical care, and specialty areas. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Allied Healthcare Professionals: Paramedics, technicians, therapists (physiotherapists, occupational therapists), pharmacists, and dieticians.

  1. Develop Job Descriptions: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Define Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly outline the roles, responsibilities, and qualifications required for each position.

Include Key Criteria: Specify educational qualifications, relevant experience, specialized skills, certifications, and licensing requirements.

  1. Recruitment Strategy:

Internal and External Recruitment: Explore both internal promotions and external hiring to fill positions.

Utilize Multiple Channels: Advertise job openings through online job portals, professional networks, healthcare associations, and recruitment agencies.

Campus Recruitment: Collaborate with medical colleges, nursing schools, and allied healthcare institutions for recruiting fresh talent.

  1. Screening and Selection Process: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Resume Screening: Review resumes to shortlist candidates based on qualifications, experience, and suitability for the role.

Interview Process: Conduct structured interviews to assess candidates’ clinical knowledge, technical skills, communication abilities, and cultural fit.

Reference Checks: Verify candidates’ credentials, work experience, and professional references to ensure authenticity and reliability.

  1. Orientation and Training:

Orientation Program: Provide comprehensive orientation sessions to familiarize new hires with hospital policies, procedures, protocols, and organizational culture.

Specialized Training: Offer specialized training programs for clinical staff to enhance skills, stay updated on medical advancements, and adhere to best practices.

Continuous Learning: Encourage ongoing professional development through workshops, seminars, conferences, and online courses.

  1. Competitive Compensation and Benefits: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Market-Competitive Salaries: Offer competitive salaries and incentives to attract and retain top talent in the healthcare industry.

Comprehensive Benefits Package: Provide benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, professional development allowances, and employee wellness programs. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Emphasize Cultural Fit and Values:

Cultural Alignment: Assess candidates’ alignment with the hospital’s mission, vision, values, and patient-centered care philosophy during the selection process. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative and supportive work environment where staff members feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute to the hospital’s success.

  1. Regulatory Compliance: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Licensing and Credentialing: Ensure that all medical professionals possess valid licenses, registrations, and certifications required by regulatory bodies such as the Medical Council of India (MCI) and Nursing Council of India (NCI).

Background Checks: Conduct background checks, including criminal background verification, to ensure the integrity and suitability of potential hires.

Hiring qualified staff for a super specialty hospital in India requires a strategic approach, attention to detail, and a commitment to excellence in patient care. By identifying staffing requirements, developing clear job descriptions, implementing robust recruitment processes, offering competitive compensation and benefits, and prioritizing cultural fit and regulatory compliance, you can build a skilled and dedicated team that contributes to the hospital’s success and delivers high-quality healthcare services to patients. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Recruiting a skilled and experienced team is vital. Your team should include:

Medical Professionals: Doctors, surgeons, and specialists in various fields.

Nursing Staff: Registered nurses and specialized nursing staff.

Support Staff: Administrative personnel, technicians, and maintenance staff.

Healing Beyond Medicine: Designing Hospitals for Patient-Centric Care

  1. Procure Advanced Medical Equipment of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Procuring advanced medical equipment is essential for the effective operation of a super specialty hospital in India. Here’s a comprehensive guide to acquiring the necessary medical equipment:

  1. Conduct a Needs Assessment:

Specialty Requirements: Identify the specific medical specialties offered by your hospital (e.g., cardiology, neurology, oncology) and the corresponding equipment needs. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment: Determine the types of diagnostic imaging machines, surgical equipment, treatment devices, and patient monitoring systems required for each specialty.

  1. Research and Selection:

Quality and Reliability: Research reputable medical equipment manufacturers known for producing high-quality, reliable products with proven performance.

Technology Assessment: Evaluate the latest advancements in medical technology to ensure that the equipment meets industry standards and supports advanced medical procedures. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Cost Consideration: Compare prices, warranties, maintenance contracts, and after-sales support services from multiple suppliers to make informed procurement decisions.

  1. Equipment List: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Diagnostic Imaging: MRI scanners, CT scanners, X-ray machines, ultrasound machines, PET-CT scanners, mammography machines.

Surgical Equipment: Operating room tables, anesthesia machines, surgical lights, electrosurgical units, surgical microscopes, laparoscopic instruments.

Patient Monitoring: Vital signs monitors, cardiac monitors, pulse oximeters, bedside monitors, telemetry systems, electrocardiography (ECG) machines.

Therapeutic Devices: Ventilators, infusion pumps, defibrillators, dialysis machines, radiation therapy equipment, laser systems.

Specialized Equipment: Robotic surgery systems, endoscopy towers, cardiac catheterization labs, lithotripsy machines, gamma cameras.

  1. Regulatory Compliance:

Certifications and Standards: Ensure that the medical equipment complies with relevant regulatory standards, certifications, and safety regulations mandated by authorities such as the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).

Import Regulations: If importing equipment, adhere to import regulations, customs clearance procedures, and documentation requirements set by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and Customs Department. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Procurement Process:

Request for Proposals (RFPs): Issue RFPs to potential suppliers, detailing your equipment requirements, specifications, and evaluation criteria.

Negotiation: Negotiate pricing, delivery timelines, installation, training, warranty coverage, and service agreements with selected suppliers to secure favorable terms. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Payment Terms: Establish payment terms and methods, considering factors such as upfront deposits, milestone payments, and financing options available.

  1. Installation and Commissioning: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Site Readiness: Ensure that the hospital infrastructure, including electrical systems, HVAC, and facility layout, is prepared to accommodate the installation of the medical equipment.

Installation Supervision: Supervise the installation process to ensure proper positioning, calibration, and integration of the equipment into the hospital’s workflow.

Testing and Validation: Conduct thorough testing, validation, and quality assurance checks to verify the functionality, accuracy, and safety of the equipment before clinical use. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Training and User Education:

User Training: Provide comprehensive training programs for medical staff, technicians, and operators on equipment operation, safety protocols, troubleshooting, and maintenance procedures.

Clinical Education: Offer continuing medical education (CME) programs, workshops, and hands-on training sessions to familiarize clinical staff with the latest medical technologies and best practices.

  1. Maintenance and Support:

Scheduled Maintenance: Establish a preventive maintenance schedule and service contracts with equipment suppliers or authorized service providers to ensure regular upkeep and performance optimization.

Technical Support: Maintain access to technical support, troubleshooting assistance, and spare parts availability to address equipment malfunctions or breakdowns promptly. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Procuring advanced medical equipment for a super specialty hospital in India requires careful planning, thorough research, regulatory compliance, and effective management of the procurement process. By identifying equipment needs, selecting reliable suppliers, ensuring regulatory compliance, managing installation and commissioning, providing comprehensive training and support, and prioritizing ongoing maintenance, you can equip your hospital with state-of-the-art technology to deliver high-quality healthcare services and improve patient outcomes.

Your Hospital's Reputation and Attract Patients

  1. Implement Healthcare IT Systems of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Implementing healthcare IT systems is essential for the efficient operation, seamless communication, and optimal patient care delivery in a super specialty hospital in India. Here’s a structured approach to implementing healthcare IT systems: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Assess Requirements and Define Objectives:

Needs Assessment: Identify the specific IT requirements based on the hospital’s size, specialties, workflows, and patient population.

Strategic Objectives: Define overarching goals such as improving patient outcomes, enhancing operational efficiency, ensuring data security, and complying with regulatory standards. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Select Healthcare IT Systems: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Electronic Health Records (EHR): Choose a comprehensive EHR system to digitize and centralize patient health records, including medical history, diagnoses, treatments, medications, and laboratory results.

Hospital Management System (HMS): Implement an integrated HMS to manage administrative, financial, and operational functions such as patient registration, appointment scheduling, billing, and inventory management.

Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS): Integrate CDSS tools to provide evidence-based clinical guidelines, alerts, and recommendations to healthcare providers at the point of care. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS): Deploy PACS for the storage, retrieval, and distribution of medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds.

Telemedicine Platforms: Consider telemedicine solutions to enable remote consultations, telemonitoring, and virtual care delivery for patients in remote areas or those unable to visit the hospital in person.

  1. Plan Implementation Strategy:

Phased Approach: Divide the implementation process into manageable phases to minimize disruption to clinical operations and facilitate gradual adoption by staff.

Change Management: Develop a change management plan to address staff training, communication, stakeholder engagement, and organizational culture alignment. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Data Migration: Plan and execute the migration of existing paper-based records and legacy systems to the new IT platforms while ensuring data integrity, accuracy, and confidentiality.

  1. Customize and Configure Systems:

Customization: Tailor the IT systems to align with the hospital’s workflows, specialty-specific requirements, regulatory standards, and user preferences.

Integration: Integrate various IT systems (EHR, HMS, PACS, etc.) to enable seamless data exchange, interoperability, and continuity of care across departments and healthcare providers.

User Interface Design: Design user-friendly interfaces with intuitive navigation, standardized terminology, and interactive features to enhance usability and user experience. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Training and Education: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India? 

Staff Training: Provide comprehensive training programs for medical staff, administrative personnel, and support staff on using the new IT systems effectively.

Role-Specific Training: Tailor training sessions to address the specific needs and responsibilities of different roles within the hospital, such as physicians, nurses, technicians, and administrators.

Ongoing Education: Offer continuous education and support resources to keep staff updated on system enhancements, best practices, and emerging trends in healthcare IT.

  1. Data Security and Compliance:

Data Protection: Implement robust security measures, access controls, encryption techniques, and audit trails to safeguard patient data against unauthorized access, breaches, and cyber threats.

Compliance Management: Ensure compliance with relevant healthcare regulations and standards, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Information Technology Act, to protect patient privacy and maintain data integrity.

  1. Performance Monitoring and Optimization:

Quality Assurance: Establish performance metrics, benchmarks, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor system performance, user satisfaction, and adherence to operational goals.

Continuous Improvement: Conduct regular reviews, audits, and feedback sessions to identify areas for improvement, address user concerns, and optimize system functionality over time.

  1. Support and Maintenance:

Technical Support: Maintain access to technical support services, helpdesk assistance, and troubleshooting resources to address user inquiries, system issues, and software updates promptly.

Vendor Partnerships: Establish partnerships with IT vendors, service providers, and consultants for ongoing support, maintenance, and upgrades of healthcare IT systems. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Implementing healthcare IT systems in a super specialty hospital in India requires careful planning, strategic alignment, and active engagement with stakeholders. By selecting the right IT solutions, planning implementation strategies, customizing systems to meet specific requirements, providing comprehensive training and support, ensuring data security and compliance, monitoring performance, and fostering continuous improvement, you can optimize clinical workflows, enhance patient care delivery, and achieve operational excellence in your hospital. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Develop a Business Plan

  1. Develop a Marketing Strategy of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Developing a robust marketing strategy is crucial for successfully launching a super specialty hospital in India and attracting patients. Here’s a comprehensive guide to creating an effective marketing plan: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Market Research and Analysis:

Target Audience: Identify your target patient demographic based on factors such as age, gender, income level, and medical needs.

Competitive Analysis: Evaluate competing super specialty hospitals in the region to understand their strengths, weaknesses, services offered, and marketing strategies.

Market Trends: Stay abreast of healthcare trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies shaping the healthcare landscape in India.

  1. Brand Positioning and Messaging:

Unique Value Proposition (UVP): Define your hospital’s unique value proposition, highlighting what sets it apart from competitors (e.g., advanced technology, specialized expertise, patient-centric care).

Brand Identity: Develop a strong brand identity, including a memorable name, logo, tagline, and visual elements that reflect your hospital’s values, mission, and personality.

Messaging Consistency: Ensure consistency in messaging across all marketing channels to reinforce brand identity and UVP.

  1. Online Presence and Digital Marketing: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Website Development: Create a professional, user-friendly website that provides comprehensive information about your hospital, services, medical professionals, and patient testimonials. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website with relevant keywords, content, meta tags, and backlinks to improve search engine rankings and organic visibility.

Content Marketing: Develop engaging content such as blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos to educate and engage your target audience on healthcare topics relevant to your specialties. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Social Media Marketing: Leverage social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) to share valuable content, interact with followers, promote events, and showcase patient success stories.

Online Advertising: Invest in targeted online advertising campaigns (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook Ads) to reach potential patients searching for specialty healthcare services in your area. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Physician Referral Network:

Establish Relationships: Build strong relationships with referring physicians, specialists, and healthcare providers in the community through networking events, physician outreach programs, and educational seminars.

Referral Incentives: Offer incentives or referral programs to encourage physicians to refer patients to your hospital for specialized treatment and consultations. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Community Engagement and Outreach: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Health Camps and Screenings: Organize health camps, screenings, and wellness events in the community to raise awareness about specific health issues, promote preventive care, and attract potential patients.

Educational Seminars: Host educational seminars, workshops, and webinars on relevant medical topics featuring your hospital’s medical experts to position your hospital as a trusted source of healthcare information. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Community Sponsorships: Sponsor local events, sports teams, or charitable causes to enhance brand visibility and demonstrate your hospital’s commitment to community well-being.

  1. Patient Experience and Satisfaction:

Patient-Centric Care: Prioritize patient experience and satisfaction by offering personalized care, empathetic communication, and seamless service delivery throughout the patient journey.

Patient Testimonials: Showcase patient testimonials, success stories, and positive reviews on your website, social media channels, and marketing materials to build trust and credibility. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Feedback Mechanisms: Implement feedback mechanisms such as surveys, suggestion boxes, and online reviews to gather patient feedback, address concerns, and continuously improve service quality. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Measurement and Analytics:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define measurable KPIs such as website traffic, lead generation, appointment bookings, and patient satisfaction scores to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Analytics Tools: Utilize web analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics) and social media analytics platforms to analyze data, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategy. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Compliance and Ethics: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with healthcare advertising regulations, data privacy laws (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA), and ethical guidelines set by regulatory bodies such as the Medical Council of India (MCI).

Transparency: Maintain transparency in marketing communications, providing accurate and truthful information about your hospital’s services, outcomes, and pricing to build trust with patients. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

A comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to the unique needs of your super specialty hospital in India can help drive patient engagement, build brand awareness, and establish your hospital as a preferred healthcare destination. By leveraging digital marketing channels, cultivating physician referrals, engaging with the community, prioritizing patient experience, and measuring performance, you can effectively promote your hospital’s services and differentiate yourself in the competitive healthcare market. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Ensure Quality and Compliance of How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Ensuring quality and compliance is paramount when starting a super specialty hospital in India to deliver safe and effective healthcare services while adhering to regulatory standards. Here’s a detailed approach to maintaining quality and compliance: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Regulatory Compliance:

Licensing and Accreditation: Obtain all necessary licenses and permits from regulatory authorities such as the state health department, Clinical Establishment Act, and local municipal corporation.

NABH Accreditation: Aim for accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) to demonstrate adherence to national quality standards and patient safety protocols. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Legal Compliance: Ensure compliance with healthcare laws, regulations, and guidelines set by regulatory bodies such as the Medical Council of India (MCI), Drug Controller General of India (DCGI), and Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

  1. Quality Management System (QMS): How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Implement QMS: Establish a robust Quality Management System (QMS) based on international standards such as ISO 9001 to govern all aspects of hospital operations, including patient care, facility management, and administrative processes.

Quality Policy: Define a quality policy outlining your hospital’s commitment to delivering high-quality care, patient satisfaction, continuous improvement, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Document Control: Maintain comprehensive documentation of policies, procedures, protocols, and quality records to ensure traceability, accountability, and transparency. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Clinical Governance:

Clinical Guidelines: Develop evidence-based clinical guidelines, protocols, and pathways for diagnosis, treatment, and patient management across all specialty areas.

Peer Review: Conduct regular peer reviews, case discussions, and clinical audits to evaluate clinical outcomes, identify areas for improvement, and promote adherence to best practices. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Morbidity and Mortality (M&M) Meetings: Hold regular M&M meetings to review adverse events, complications, and patient outcomes, fostering a culture of learning, accountability, and continuous improvement among medical staff.

  1. Patient Safety:

Patient-Centered Care: Prioritize patient safety and well-being by implementing measures such as patient identification protocols, medication reconciliation, infection control practices, and fall prevention strategies. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Error Reporting Systems: Establish systems for reporting, investigating, and analyzing adverse events, near misses, and medical errors to prevent recurrence and mitigate risks to patient safety.

Patient Education: Educate patients and their families about their rights, responsibilities, treatment plans, and safety measures to empower them as active participants in their healthcare journey. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Staff Training and Competency: How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Continuous Training: Provide ongoing training and professional development programs for medical, nursing, and allied healthcare staff to enhance clinical skills, knowledge, and competency. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Credentialing and Privileging: Ensure that all medical practitioners undergo credentialing and privileging processes to assess qualifications, experience, and competency before granting clinical privileges.

Emergency Response Training: Conduct regular drills and training exercises to prepare staff for emergency situations such as cardiac arrest, code blue, and disaster management protocols. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Equipment and Facility Management:

Equipment Maintenance: Implement a preventive maintenance program for medical equipment, devices, and machinery to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and safety.

Facility Safety: Maintain a safe and hygienic environment by adhering to building codes, fire safety regulations, infection control practices, and environmental hygiene standards. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Biomedical Waste Management: Ensure proper segregation, collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal of biomedical waste in compliance with biomedical waste management rules. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

  1. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI): How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Quality Indicators: Define key performance indicators (KPIs), benchmarks, and metrics to measure and monitor clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and process efficiency.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA): Conduct RCA investigations to identify underlying causes of quality issues, adverse events, and system failures, implementing corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs) to address root causes.

Quality Committees: Establish multidisciplinary quality improvement committees tasked with reviewing performance data, identifying improvement opportunities, and driving initiatives to enhance quality and safety across the organization.

Maintaining quality and compliance in a super specialty hospital in India requires a comprehensive approach encompassing regulatory adherence, quality management systems, clinical governance, patient safety initiatives, staff training, equipment management, and continuous quality improvement efforts. By establishing a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous learning, your hospital can uphold the highest standards of care, earn the trust of patients and stakeholders, and achieve sustainable success in the dynamic healthcare landscape of India. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

Hospital Administrators in Hospital Planning


Starting a super specialty hospital in India is a complex yet rewarding endeavor. By following these steps and focusing on delivering high-quality, specialized healthcare services, you can create a successful and impactful healthcare institution. Careful planning, robust financial management, and a commitment to excellence will set your hospital on the path to success. How To Start a Super Specialty Hospital In India?

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